Marathon Day

8 Jan

Today officially kicked off the first day of training for IronTeam. I say officially because I did tomorrow’s workout yesterday leaving Sunday open because there is another blizzard headed for Atlanta.

Between learning all there is to learn about geo-technical/environmental software last week and today’s 6 hour long IronTeam information meeting my brain is overloaded. Surprisingly no smoke is pouring out of me ears. Yet. MBA classes resume Monday. Assuming the city has come to a complete standstill over a few inches of powder on the ground.

6 Hours. A TON of information. A couple of really broad concepts I took away. 1) I need a heart rate monitor. 2) Nurtritionally I’m going to be able to CHOW DOWN. But damn, SIX FREAKIN’ HOURS. Hopefully I will have finished the run portion of IM AZ in less time that. (I better).

5 Mile run following the meeting. Great day for it. Down by the river.

I’m overwhelmed with all the information I’ve been trying to shove into my brain in the last week and for a moment I was a little anxious about Ironman. But I’m ready to do this.

Bring It.

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