Archive | December, 2010

“too beautiful for earth”

29 Dec

On December 27th, my good good friends Brock and Eva Schulte posted the following on Facebook:

Eva and I would like to announce the birth and passing of our son, Lincoln Russell Schulte. Lincoln was born on December 27 (20 inches, 5 pounds) after spending 8 ½ beautiful months with us.
His vibrant and active spirit will always be alive in our hearts.
An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby’s birth then whispered as she closed the book “too beautiful for earth”

Just last week I had the opportunity to spend several days with them; share in the excitement and anticipation of their baby boy and actually lay my hand on Eva’s bulging belly and feel the warmth radiating from the tiny life inside. While I cannot even begin to imagine what they are going through right now,  I am heartbroken for them.

My thoughts and prayers are with Brock, Eva and Lincoln…

Wow. Just. Wow.

8 Dec